Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jon is famous!

Ok, maybe not famous, but he's in the news in a good way. He was featured in the Des Moines Register's Juice in the Get to Know Section. Jon is getting laid off at the end of this month and is working his little tail off to get his Macintosh IT Consulting business up off the ground again. He is working on some awesome projects and will be doing some amazing things. Jon had an amazing opportunity at the Great Ape Trust and did things that people can't even dream of. Personally, I know I have learned a ton about Apes and their culture. I am very thankful that he had the opportunities he had at the Trust and am looking forward to seeing what new opportunities come his (our) way.

Here is Jon's company Blog, to keep tabs on computer stuff.

Keep up the awesome work, hon. We love you & are so proud of you!

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